Why Decriminalize Nature?
1) American Liberty and Personal Freedom
Human beings and American citizens have an unalienable natural right to use plants of their choice. Prosecution for possession of natural plants shall become the lowest law enforcement priority of the state of Michigan, and state funds may not be used for this purpose.
3) Safety
Except for a few specific contraindications psychedelic plant drugs are extraordinarily safe and non-addictive.
5) Better Mental Health
Plant medicines, when properly used, make a significant contribution to the maintenance of good mental health, and to the success of therapeutic interventions. Mental health problems like addiction, suicide, overdose, depression, and anxiety are currently present at high levels; plant medicines can be helpful.
6) Positive Environmental Benefit
Consciousness exploration using plants tends to restore a bond between people and the natural world. This impulse helped generate the modern environmental movement. The experience of connection with nature can create movement forward for adopting solutions to environmental disasters like global warming.
8) We Want Equitable Access to Entheogenic Plants
People must ultimately be allowed to cultivate their own plants and fungi.
9) We Seek to Include Authentic Indigenous People and Plants, and Animals in Our Resolution
10) Safe and Responsible Practice
We will work actively to encourage safe and responsible practice through the development and dissemination of educational materials.
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CactiIbogaAyauascaMushroomsWhy Now?
Members of the most vulnerable communities are not receiving adequate mental health services in our country, and now with a global pandemic and increasing economic disparities, the situation is worsening.
The solution we’re offering the state is to bring the ancient wisdom and practices that have enabled communities to heal for centuries, together with modern science and harm reduction techniques.